Myths and facts about smart card deployments at colleges and universities

Technology continues to move at a blistering pace and the arena of facility security is no different. While magnetic stripes and proximity card readers continue to dominate the market, Smart Cards are the wave of the future.
These cards have the added benefit of increased security and safety, flexibility and convenience. While implementation can seem daunting in a campus environment, the benefits outweigh any concerns.
HID recently wrote about five Myths vs Facts about Smart Card implementation:
- Myth #1: I have to upgrade everything at once or I only have one option. FACT: A combination of phased implementation steps can be executed as needed to meet your specific needs.
- Myth #2: We have too many access control technologies currently in place to migrate smoothly. FACT: A single Smart Card can house up to four different access control technologies.
- Myth #3: It’s not possible to support old and new application technologies at the same time. FACT: Transaction-based applications can co-exist with access technologies on a single Smart Card.
- Myth #4: Migrations are too expensive to implement. FACT: Maximize your system investment by migrating in phases versus all at one time.
- Myth #5: Migrating to contactless Smart Cards will slow down the card issuance process. FACT: Smart Card encoders provide electronic and graphic personalization in one seamless step.
Check out the complete Executive Brief from HID here and contact Doorway Solutions’ security integration experts to learn more about how Smart Cards can help you.