Denver Post highlights Denver’s Carla Madison Recreation Center

Doorways is proud to have worked on many projects important to the community over the years and the Denver Post has written a story about one of the latest – the Carla Madison Recreation Center.
This extraordinary facility is the Mile High City’s first, truly urban full-featured recreation center. Centrally located on East Colfax Avenue, the building brings much-needed amenities to the nearby community.
Among the highlights are a kids’ pool, competitive swimming pool, basketball courts, a workout center, rooms for yoga and dance and even a climbing wall and conference center.
The Denver Post wrote today about the facility saying:
“When it opens next month, Denver’s new Carla Madison Recreation Center will be a marvel of the parks system, from its outdoor climbing wall and bouldering rock to separate lap pool and children’s pool areas to a stacked-floor design that makes it the city’s first truly urban facility.
“Throughout, the center gets plenty natural light and, from some vantages that include a rooftop deck, has stunning views of downtown and the mountains to the west.”
This project allowed us to bring to bear our full capabilities for Adolfson & Peterson Construction and ultimately the City of Denver and its residents. Doorways provided the hollow metal doors and frames, wood doors, and architectural hardware. Notably, our Shop Applied Hardware Department installed the hardware on the doors before shipment and we field installed everything ourselves.